So built my rig over a year ago now, 3570k with a 670 SC 2GB at the core and a nice 850w PSU to leave me enough room to SLI if i want.
Now with the 670 going out of production and the fact i can't get another EVGA 670 SC 2GB their all normal or FTW editions I'm wondering if its worth picking a second one up now probably of the FTW edition, if my thoughts are correct it should default down to my SC edition clocks.
Overall I've been more then happy with the performance for the price i paid for it, i only game on one monitor at 1200p and their have only been a few games I've seen the performance drop eg bioshock inf, borderlands 2, metro 2033.
More wondering if its worth future proofing now or waiting it out till the next set of cards comes to market.