I just tested out OBS (have used DXtory a lot in the past in conjunction with OBS - dxtory is great but costs ~£23). I ran the same level of portal 2 three times, once with no recording, once at 1Mbps and once at 4Mbps. No recording allowed me to get baseline load for my CPU/GPU. The GPU load did not change regardless of OBS (I know it's a 670 which is a far cry from an 8800 but still), and remained at 25% TDP consuming the same power according to GPU-Z, this was the same for both video qualities. The 1Mbps video at 1080p was horribly artifacted but had a very smooth framerate. The 4Mbps can be seen here (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75i4V...ature=youtu.be ) and has a few dropped frames, due to HDD load with the game runningoff and recording onto the same drive. With both of these the CPU utilization increased by 10% over the baseline run. So a 955 should be able to eat such a load (I'm only running a Haswell i3 the difference is far from large).
All in all I'd say that OBS is a decent way to go - especially for the buy-in cost! It probably wants a bit more fiddling with bitrates and recording to a different codec like lagarith lossless rather than h.264 all of which OBS supports very easily. Depending on the length of the recordings and the ram available, you could probably have a setup where the files are buffered via a ramdisk to prevent HDD saturation.