With the acception of a few insightful geniuses and time travelers, who would have thought we’d be where we are now with today’s pc’s 30 years ago. So I wonder when the first "Giga Beast" will arise from the steaming pits of ATI’s clandestine Canadian creation labs?… or for that matter nVidia’s fairy shed, either way for all we know our VR suites with newly acquired groinel attachment (because the last five wore-out in the first week) could be fuelled by one of these…or maybe not.
I can't imagine the level of would be current technology used in 30 years time and what changes it would impart on every day life. Will my child be adorning a real hazardous environment suit in order to go to work.. and fight aliens? Will earth be sundered into another pre-life on earth state by a meteorite only to replay the evolution of man and his pc?