I'm in a similar position to Buztafen - thinking of upgrading an aging GPU, in my case a GTX670, to a newer affordable GPU. Rather than hijack his thread, does anyone have any recommendations? Here's my scenario: spec as per 'My System'. I am happy enough with the rest of the PC for now, but may build a new PC next year. I currently game on my 1920x1200 Dell U2412M. Mainly FPS-style games: Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Tomb Raider (Shadow and Rise), TF2, No Man's Sky, Skyrim, Batman:Arkham City. I can see that AC:Odyssey is getting very close to using all of my GTX670 VRAM on Medium, and the game stutters at times.
I'd like to be able to game in 1080p in High/Ultra settings, but am considering upgrading to either a 1080p/144 or 1440p/144 monitor in the next year. 4K gaming would require a much more costly upgrade of the entire PC as well as an expensive monitor upgrade, which my pocket is not ready for yet.
Would a GTX 1660 suffice, or would a 1660Ti be more future-proof considering my potential upgrade on the monitor front to 1440p/144?
Anything else I should be considering? I have been using Nvidia cards for quite a few years. I respect the AMD underdog and have used their GPUs in the past (ATI Radeon 9500PRO IIRC) but I am keen to keep my rig quiet, and I don't like the idea of using a higher-powered and louder-cooled AMD card.