My current setup is an i5 10500 paired with a 1070 (ghost s1, 16gb ram, h470m)
I'm thinking about upgrading to a 3070, should a reasonably-priced one become available.
The above site is giving the following results (1440p)
The first seems somewhat realistic; my ram isn't the fastest, but with resolution downscaled by about 20-30%, I'm getting frame rates above 100fps with mostly medium but some high settings.
It's also suggesting that the gpu is bottlenecking my current setup (not specified on a per game basis - I'm told that warzone is relatively cpu-based) by about 5%, and that if I got a 3070, the cpu now would be bottlenecking my system by less than 1% - so a good buy. But on a 3070, I'm still apparently gpu-limited when I go above medium settings.
Does anyone know how these tools work? Are there good alternatives out there?