Well I decided to OC my Sapphire 9600Pro now and I've gotten to 500mhz on the core and 364.50 on the memory (729mhz DDR) and I'm getting about 13000 in 3DMark 2001
System specs:
XP2500+ oc'd to 2400Mhz (219x11) using 1.775v
Lanparty NF2 Ultra
512mb TwinMOS PC3200 (2-5-2-3-11 timings)
The system has only been up and running for about 2 or 3 days so I haven't gotten into the hardcore clocking. Did have it booting and working properly at 2.6ghz using 1.80v
How do those clock rates compared to others cause I'm personally not sure about them. Yeah I was never expecting to get 18000/19000 clocks that the 9700/9800Pros are getting but I think in someways that the score is a little low