I dunno whats wrong, but there seems something major.
Specs are in my sig, stock clocked at 480/1300, using 81.85 drivers, quality set to High Quality in drivers, everything else left, V-Sync off.
Ive just testest 2 games, Call Of Duty:UO Expansion in MP, and Doom 3. Both are updated fully.
Now i ran COD:UO, at Max detail, at 1600x1200, no AA/AF, and it runs amazingly well, obviously on the Quake 3 engine. Over 200FPS all the time, indoors 400FPS+. Now when i added 2x AA and 8x AF in the control panel, the game drops to 60-100fps when im outside around bushes and trees. On the Brecourt map it's basically unplayable, you can really feel the difference.
Next i tryed Doom 3, same settings, 1600x1200,everything on High Detail in D3 quality. Tryed just 16X AF, and the game is running at an amazing 11FPS at the start of the game. Turned the AF off in the game settings, and it's at a constant 60FPS.
All my 3dmarks are fine, 9000+ in 05, and 19k in 03, etc.
What the hell is wrong????? ive always though the card was pathetic at AA/AF, is there something bad with it? Temps are 60C full load as well BTW.
I really wanna figure this out and fully enjoy my games.