I've been toying for about 6months with the idea of replacing my current LG 17" Flatron CRT with a 17" LCD, and as i've not really considure what i wanted to for Christmas i'm thinking of getting this and getting people to put money towards it.
Sadly it seems that there is now a lot of choice out there on the market place. So a few questions that I really need some help answering.
Firstly is an LCD for me, My room is on the front of the house and i get a lot of sunshine in my room, when playing on my CRT it gets terrible sun glare even with my curtains closed. Will my LCD suffer with this as bad, i'm assuming it will but is it going to be worse or better
The second is astetics. I'm probably too picky about LCD screens looks, but its something that i'm keen to get right if i'm spending £300+ on it.
Choices at present are....
LG Flatron L1720B 17'' TFT Monitor - no DVI input, usb hub afaik
Hyundai ImageQuest Q17 17" TFT Monitor - Silver - usb hub, speakers and dvi - it wins on all these points for features, but out the three i'm least convinced of its looks
Hercules ProphetView 920 Pro 17" LCD Monitor - Best looking of the three imo, don't think this version has DVI and may not have the best screen but i think good enough for my requirements.
Uses for reference are, games, GTA vice city, bf1942, CoD, various rts and turn based strategy games and development work that i do outside of office hours.
Views with back on what i should go for would be appreciated.