I was looking for a gfx card for my SLI a-bit NI8-GR and decided to get an ATi card.. (must have forgotten its an nVidia Chipset... which prolly doesnt make much diff if its just the one card).
I decided to go for the X800 GTO 512mb Sapphire at Scan for about £105 (or a little more)
After playing FEAR it seems sluggish at turning (even after tweaking a few settings) A mate bought an nVidia 7600 cant remmeber what model and was around the same price maybe a few notes more (£40 more at max).
hes said he gets very good fps on 3dMark06 demo yet im only getting 9fps max on that invasion or whatever its called bit..
Ive heard about using summat like Ati tool to unlock the 12 pipelines to 16 but im not 100% i can with the card i have... is it poss and should i o/c it? will i see improvements?
I am using the omega drivers (3.8.231) havent really noticed an improvement..
Is all lost?