Lo chaps

I like my FPS games but I have had a bit of trouble with my monitors over the last year or so, my Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 930 crt packed up in February with what was a known fault I think. I replaced that with a Samsung 930 BF tft, that lasted til 3 weeks ago. In the meantime I have been sent a 940 T as a replacement, which is a 20ms panel as opposed to 4ms for the BF.
The sensible thing to do would be to flirt the monitor back to Samsung and get a lower latency panel, but before I do that I was wondering if it would be worth trying it.
I've kind of answered my own question there, but I was looking for a bit of hands on experience first.

My graphics card is FUBAR'd at present so I cant just hang it on and try it, like you were thinking

Am waiting on Mesh to sort that one out.....