Hi peeps,
I keep getting a problem that has baffled me and is getting more of a pain.
My PC will boot up without any errors and you see the BIOS then Windows XP loading screen no problem. Then when it is about to show the "Welcome" screen with users on I get "Out Of Frequency 39.2Khz 62.7hz".
I have changed my graphics drivers, downsized my resolution and refresh rate but still get the error.
I am using 2 Palit 7300GT Sonic PCI-e in SLi. Each at stock speed, no overclocking. Monitor is a Daewoo 17" TFT, model HL711A. Currently set at 1280 x 960, 32bit Colour Quality, 60hz refresh.
The reason this is causing more of a problem is that usually it will disappear after approx 2 to 3 seconds and show the "Welcome" screen as normal, but recently it has just been hanging there and need me to reboot.
Any help I would be grateful for.