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Thread: New Builder Help with Antec P182

  1. #1
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    New Builder Help with Antec P182

    Hi all,

    Hopefully someone can help me.

    I have just ordered all the components for my first build.
    I have received the case already - an Antec P182 & was getting it ready to the motherboard.

    In a lot of guides to building a pc, it says to only use the standoffs you require. From what I can see my Antec case has 9 pre-installed & my mb only needs 6. These are fixed to the tray and cant be removed.

    Fistly, I'm assuming the 9 silver standoff's are infact standoff's and not just where I screw the standoff's into (there are 3 brass standoff's around the same size as the pre-installed silver ones in the box)

    Secondly, as I don't think these can be removed, will this cause any problems?

    Hopefully this won't be the first of many problems.



  2. #2
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    Ok well not speaking from experience of this case but from experience of cases in general, the stand offs should be fine, they should be standard ones for generic motherboard layout and the brass ones allow you to fit in other strange layouts.

    As long as the other 3 that you dont need dont lie under the motherboard (so would cause grounding) then its fine, just go ahead and put the m/b in.

    Otherwise you've bought the wrong style/size case for your m/b and you need to go back and think again. Generally make sure your m/b and case match up e.g both ATX, but I would have though Antec wouldnt cripple you on something like that being a relatively decent named company.

  3. #3
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    Put the mobo in the case and make sure everything lines up correctly, if the mobo is too low for access to the expansion slots on the case, then you prob do have to srew the standoffs into the silver standoffs. I haven't seen this case, so don't know exactly how it is assembled.

    They can (very rarely) cause the mobo to short (and therefore not work), if you are worried about it, then get a cork from a wine bottle, wash it. Now cut off slithers ~2mm thick and stick them on the standoffs you won't use.

    Hope this helps.

  4. #4
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    Thaks for your reply's guys.

    Managed to get the computer up and running pretty easily in the end. Hardest thing is getting drivers compatible for vista 64 bit!

    I'm only left with one problem now. When I first start the computer, I have connected all 3 fans to a single modular power cable. The bottom fan starts, as does the top one but the rear fan won't start unless I give it a tap. From then on it's fine - any reasons for this?

    Is it a dodgy fan or should I not be connecting 3 fans to the same power cable?

    Cheers again,


  5. #5
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    Three fans to the same power cable should be fine (it works after you tap it), sounds like a duff fan, up to you whether or not to send it back or just keep on tapping it at start up.

  6. #6
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    Probably a dodgy fan.

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