I have tried doing a quick search via google for this and see lots of conflicting info, on the Intel website the E6600 CPU has a Vcore specification of between 0.85v and 1.3v.
What I have noticed using Everest, basically to get my cooling with QFAN on the P5K working well for both the CPU and Case Fan (which actually attaches to my X1900XT via the Accelero S1 sink). I have 3 other case fans which are manually set in the P180 case.
My question is, if speedstep is enabled in the BIOS should the Vcore level fluctuate dependant on load?
If my PC is idle, or just not doing much in Windows Vista the Vcore is usually about 1.1v. If I run some 3D games, the Vcore usually increases to about 1.25v before settling back down when the 3D game is closed.
Is this normal? Should the Vcore change dependant on loading (as I assume the clock speed for the CPU will ramp up when needed for the games) or is something wrong?
I am not overclocking and everything is set to Auto on the P5K Deluxe except ram voltage and timings.