I am having a go at overlclocking, mainly so that I can play GTA4 at something other than a slideshow framerate. First:
Asus PK5C mobo
E5200 processor Multiplier 12.5x, fsb 200
4gb Corsair RAM DDR26400 800MHz
HD4850 gfx
1. I am following the advice on Clunk's guide, and I have a couple of questions:
Firstly, the way I read the guide it seems like I must set RAM timings and voltages exactly like in the screenshot - surely they will be different for different ram modules? Is it not best to leave these settings on [AUTO] in the BIOS (which is what I did on my first attempt)?
2. My BIOS gives me warnings about dropping the memory ratio below 667Mhz (w/fsb 200), saying something about spec conflict iirc, is it safe to ignore these warnings?
3. I take it I don't want to exceed 800Mhz on the RAM when adjusting the fsb up. Am I correct in thinking it is best to get as close as possible to this value when selecting fsb and timing ratio to maximize memory speed?
4. I had a go at a modest overclock - timing ratio set at 667Mhz, bumped up to 800Mhz by changing fsb to 240, giving 3ghz clock. Booted into Vista fine and temps are cool, but it was failing Orthos and Prime95. Would the next step be to drop the ratio to 1:1, so the memory is <800Mhz? Would this improve stability? (but brings up question 3. again :S)
Thanks for your help!
EDIT: Just found the answers to some of these questions at the bottom of the guide, didn't see them beyond the advanced section. Sorry for the spam.