this is my first post, and I am hoping someone can save my sanity....as I am becoming more and more confused the more I try to piece this puzzle together...
I run a small business [ website design & promotion ] and have decided to scrap my current system [various reasons...crashing/hanging/long time little bugs etc]
I want to source the parts myself to keep costs down, and I also have someone who will put all the bits together [but I dont want to keep hassling him about the components]
My needs are roughly as follows
- I often have several software applications at once
- no gaming at all
- want to retain XP as many of the programs I have wont run on Vista
My 'research' has eventually led to a possible spec [listed below] but I am unsure regarding compatibility/suitability between Processor-Motherboard-Memory
It is the Motherboard which is giving me the headache, as I feel fairly sure that the RAM and Processor are ok....plus other components to match this set up
Many thanks for any guidance.
- Processor = Intel Core Duo2 E8400
- Memory (RAM) = 4GB CORSAIR XMS2 800mz
- Hard Disk = 640GB Seagate SATA2
- Graphics Card = suggestions please?; remember..no gaming req's
- CD/DVD = suggestions please
- Sound Card = suggestions please
- Processor Cooling = suggestions please
- Power Supply & Case Cooling = suggestions please