Power on system, no beeps heard, and screen is blank (it has a signal, but it is a blank signal).
HD light indicates HD running continuously.
All other components seem to have power:
Able to open/close DVD drive pressing button on front face.
Keyboard num-lock and caps lock light up.
Ethernet connection LED lights up on modem.
All fans running.
I tried holding down the DEL key and every Function key (F1, F2, ... F12) while restarting, though none have any affect except for DEL, which consistently gives same result:
That result is a DOS type of screen, displays the BIOS rev, and some of my sys info correctly,
says press F11 to enable some popup, though pressing F11 or any other Function key, ESC or DEL (or Ctrl + Alt +DEL) have no effect. Also does a mem test and verifies the RAM is good.
I am just stuck on this screen and can not do anything from here.
Background: This is a brand new CPU, motherboard, and RAM. The case, DVD drive, HD, monitor, mouse, kb, are all new within the last year.
Motherboard: ECS A790GXM-A
CPU: AMD Triple-Core Phenom X3-8650
One more interesting note: Even holding DEL yields no result when I am using the on-board video, I have a pretty old vid card I had to stick into one of the PCIe16 and use that in order to see the results when I hold down DEL. Its an old Nvidia Geforce 6800 (forgot the suffix).
I haven't tried removing the CMOS battery and using the CMOS jumper yet, perhaps I will try that. Any suggestions?