I've recently built a new machine, had problems at first with dodgy memory and RMAd them, had the replacements running for about 2 months all fine.
Today my machine has started to randomly crash background apps "Superfetch has stopped working" "Windows Destop Manager has stopped working". This would be followed by a BSOD where it would show it was dumping "physical memory to disk" before restarting. There's nothing else specific on the BSOD, it happens v quickly so can't see anything.
Suspecting this was a virus I formatted and installed Windows 7. Good clean install and still the same problem, applications randomly crashing followed by a BSOD. I haven't worked out any reason, they generally happen when browsing the web or virus scanning. Did a full test on 3DMark06 to see if it was stress related and nothing. I moved the ram about, took one stick out etc and doesn't seem to be anything helpful.
I built my machine in September out of the following:
Intel Core2 Q9650 (Quad Core)
Asus Maximus II Formula mobo
Corsair 2x 2GB DDR2
XFX 8800GT
Corsair Modular 720w PSU
Western Digital 7200rpm 500GB HDD
All drivers are up to date, nothing is overheating (NB is running aroung 39 at idle) so I really can't think what it is. Possibly a motherboard issue?