I'm considering purchasing a Thecus N7700 Pro (or N8800 Pro) to house my MS Server 2008 R2 (hyper-v) virtual servers. I have 3 virtual servers so far (1 AD/file server; 1 Terminal Server - hosting our company's [mission critical] accounting system!; 1 SQL 2k8 Server). I'm looking for advice, technical and otherwise...with these specific questions in mind:
1. Would you suggest going with a N7700 Pro or N8800 Pro considering reliability, performance, budget, and support/maintenance.
2. Would either device (a N7700 Pro or N8800 Pro) support Server 2k8 R2's Live Migration features (reliably/efficiently)? anyone have experience with this specific setup?
3. If/when we run into issues, is Thecus' technical support reliable?
Thanks in advance for any advice!