My girlfriend's father's PSU started making a loud noise so he decided to get a new one and asked me to install it. I built my PC a few years ago and am quite confident in fitting a new PSU, however I've done it and now it won't boot or even act as though there's any connection to the screen (is that "posting"?) Here is the motherboard.
His boot HD is sata and he has a backup, also sata. The problem is, on the previous PSU there was a 4 pin motherboard connector which looked like this http://www.techaddicts.net/reviews/gp550/gp550.10.jpg along with the 20 pin connector. The new PSU has a 20 pin connector and a 4 pin one, however the 4 pin one has a different configuration to the previous one. Rather than it being 'house' 'square' (i.e the shape of the individual connectors on the top row..hope this makes sense!) it's vice versa, and same on the bottom. The connection on the motherboard does have 24 holes, which means I can put the 20 pin and the new 4 pin all in and it fits, but then it just won't boot and obviously the socket on the motherboard that the previous PSUs 4 pin connector was in, is empty.
The other problem is that 2 PATA DVD drives won't open. I assume that even if the motherboard isn't powered fully, the DVD tray should still open right?? It's just direct power from the PSU to the DVD drive.
Any ideas, as he really needs it working today because he's going away tomorrow and needs to print some stuff off from the hard drive. Thanks!