Hi folks,
I'm currently rebuilding a PC with a corrupt Vista install, replacing the current OS hard drive with a new one. However, the BIOS on the board is somewhat problematic in that I can't make any changes to the default settings - any change results in the PC not booting and the CMOS needing to be cleared.
Trying to fresh install/upgrade to Win7 from within Vista always fails as the Vista installer either can't see the C drive (malware? Various virus scanner say not), or if I try to install to another HDD in the system an error message about not finding or being able to create a system partition is returned.
So, I can't do a fresh install from Vista, and I can't change the BIOS settings to boot from the optical drive or a USB stick.
I've swapped out the BIOS chip and the issue remains with a new BIOS chip so I can't tell whether it's an issue with the BIOS revsion on the board itself.
The PC is an E8400, 6gb PC-6400 DDR, Abit AB9 QuadGT BIOS rev 17 (the latest).
Any ideas on how to get Win7 on this machine? Could I start the install (i.e. the unpacking files section) on a different PC, and at the first reboot power off and put the drive into the PC that requires the install? I tried an HDD with a fresh install on it and it won't boot so I'm not convicned that'll work.