Hi all. I bought an OCZ Agility 3 60GB SSD from Scan not long ago (2 weeks max). Fresh install of Win7 64bit and all was good. The performance of this drive on SATA3 is phenomenal.
Anyway a couple of days ago I randomly got a BSOD...caused by ntfs.sys (this is normally a drive error).
Rebooted and all was fine again.
I went to turn my PC on this morning and the SSD is not detected by BIOS and thus I cannot boot Windows.
Things I have tried so far
Changing the SATA3 cable for another
Changing the SATA3 cable for a SATA2 cable (I swapped the SSD and my BD-RE drive around, the BD-RE drive is detected still but the SSD is not)
Changing the SATA power cable
Changing the SATA port it is connected to with 3 different cables
Putting the SSD in another PC
Changed from ACHI to IDE
Updated my mobo BIOS
So far none of the above have worked, it is not detected at all. The little LED light on the SSD circuit board still lights up when it has power but it has just disappeared.
Right now I'm doing a CMOS hard reset on my main PC (power and battery out) and I'm going to do a rinse and repeat of everything I have tried again but I believe the drive is dead. After a quick Google it appears that I am not the only person who has had this happen to me.
So does anyone have any ideas? Before you suggest flushing my DNS or anything stupid, I am very technically minded. Thanks