OK, so here's the story: After having copied a large amount of data to my C: drive from another drive, which I was planning to format, I restarted the computer as Diskeeper had been telling me it couldn't run until Windows had performed Chkdsk on C: drive.
As a side note, Windows does like to Chkdsk the C: drive maybe every month? And when it does, it usually fixes an error or two; this only started happening in the past few months and with my new drive (C: drive) which is a Western Digital Caviar SE SATA 120GB.
OK, so I reset and then upon trying to load from C:, it came up with an error message regarding a folder or file was not present but I can't remember what it was. It wouldn't proceed to load and asked me to try and repair it from the Windows XP CD. Upon restarting again, this time it came up with something about not being able to load from the drive at all. Not good. Now it has got to the point where after the recovery console option, after POST, there is just a blank screen when I select the option to load XP as normal. No error message or anything.
This same thing then happened to my other drive, which was now empty as I had been planning to format it after I had got everything off it. It came up with NTLDR missing at one point and so I re-installed XP on it as it was empty anyway. This then allowed me to check all my important stuff was still on C: drive. And it was, I could still access the C: drive on this particular XP installation. I've tried running chkdsk on C:, I have copied over NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM to it, I have used FIXBOOT from the recovery console and I have used a WD diagnostic tool to check the drive, which turned out to be fine. All of this to no avail. Do you suggest I use the FIXMBR option in recovery console (it says I have an in-valid or something or other boot record and if i go ahead with it I could find all of my partion inaccessible ). Or do I have to go ahead and re-format and do a fresh install of XP?
Is it co-incidence XP likes to chkdsk C:, and only C:, not too often but more often that it ever used to be since I got my Western Digital? Have I got a faulty drive possibly or could it be my SATA drivers? I am using Si3112r but can't remember what version, as I'm on a different PC and wpuld need to go on the one that doesnt work. I am using an NF7-S. The other HDs are a Maxtor SATA 120GB and a 60GB Maxtor IDE.
Please help, I don't particularly want to have to do a fresh install as I did one not too long ago
One thing this has taught me: ALWAYS have recent back-ups of your data.