I was checking my dad's hotmail for an email he wanted and a strange message came up-
Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?
This webpage contains content that will not be delivered using a secure HTTPS connections, which could compromise the security of the entire webpage
Now I loaded msn then went to the email bit, and that was the message which appeared when hotmail loaded. I also noticed that the address bar usually has https at the start (which it did), but then switched to http. I'm not sure what has gone here, because if I log into my mums xp account and sign etc the message does not appear and the address bar goes from https to http.
Any idea why it appears?
Would this sort it?
You can also turn it off in Internet Explorer and check.
How to Disable and Turn Off Do You Want To View Only the Webpage Content that Was Delivered Securely Security Warning.
a) Launch Internet Explorer.
b) Click on Tools
c) Now select Internet Options from the drop down menu
d) Select the Security Tab
e) Click the ‘Custom Level’ button
f) In the ‘Miscellaneous’ section change “Display mixed content” to Enable
g) Click on OK.
h) Close internet options.
Edit- I have check the option in both my mum's IE and dad's IE and both have this on prompt, so i won't be changing it as there is not issue with my mum's. I'm wandering if a third party advert you get on the side of hotmail, may be causing it?