For various reasons I needn't go into we ended up with a slight shortage of working computers in our household. I found that my brother's old Dell Dimension 3100 was still knocking around, and plugged it into my ancient but still rather lovely Cornerstone P1500 monitor. It booted up O.K into XP (albeit very slowly), and I was able to set the screen resolution to 1600x1200, and the refresh rate to 85Hz- the picture from the Intel 915G onboard graphics was fine. However when I set about trying to clean up the XP install and put on working antivirus, Libre Office etc. the XP install proved to be too badly screwed by years of ham-fisted abuse from various other family members (I found loads of evidence of dodgy toolbars, malware etc.).
So I decided that, since it was sporting a 64 bit processor, I'd go with in install of Windows 7 64 bit. I acquired a 60GB SSD secondhand for 20 quid off a lovely fella on here, and when I discovered that a P4 650 (the fastest processor the 3100 is capable of taking) was £3.99 delivered off ebay, I whacked one of those in too. After a little bit of farting around to find a working DVD drive I had windows installed no problem, on 1GB of RAM too (it claims to need 2GB). First things first, I went to change the screen resolution from 800x600 to 1600x1200, which was fine, then went to change the refresh rate....oh. The drop down box gave me one option - "use hardware default setting".
As far as I can gather the problem is that Intel never supported Vista or W7 on the 915G platform, so the driver is a bog standard Microsoft one. Unfortunately without a proper windows driver for the onboard graphics, it can't detect the refresh rates that the monitor is capable of. I have spent hours googling for a solution to this problem, and come up blank. I've tried to get windows to install various drivers that others claim will work, with no joy- they either fail to install, or more irritatingly, refuse to even try because my hardware doesn't meet the minimum standards :angry: . I reckon my best chance of success is to hack the registry to set the default refresh rate to 85hz, but hours of poking around and googling have got me nowhere.
I know I could probably solve this problem in two obvious ways: 1) installing W7 32 bit, or 2) using the LCD monitor supplied with the computer, but I don't want to because 1) W7 64 bit seems to work perfectly in every other respect (I'm typing this on it now) and 2) my brother is using that monitor to dual screen his laptop, and if I don't use this Cornerstone my wife will be on at me to get rid of it as its so huge, and I don't want to do that.
I can't easily solve the problem by installing a cheap PCI-E graphics card and the appropriate drivers, because the Dimension 3100 has no PCI-E 16x slot (it just has one 1x slot ). However, as a last resort, I'll take a dremel to the back of it and try shoving a 16x card in!
Any suggestions gratefully received!