Does anyone know why my USB front panel connector has melted where it joins the motherboard? The computer was working normally until a few days ago when suddenly this burning smell happened and it wouldn't start up the next day.
Initially I wasn't sure where the smell was coming from and suspected the PSU or CPU. However then I noticed black residue marks on the PCI-express slots leading to the black USB front panel connector. It had melted so badly it had melded together with the pins. I couldn't pull it out and eventually yanked the whole thing out, pins and all.
I'm wondering what the root cause of this could be. I was memory testing 2 servers in the same room which were pulling a fair amount of power, but that could be just coincidence. Is it the PSU? Or just a fault or short with the connector? I've been using this case for about a year and its been fine, the mobo is 7 years old or so but again its never had a problem and it was just under normal load when the problem occurred. Other than the damage caused by the overheating everything seems normal.