I got a couple of WD mybooks last year and found out that after copying all the data over usb3 then pulling the drives from the caddy to install internally, I couldn't read any of the data. having a google it appears to be something to do with sata/usb encryption
as the warranty will be invalidated and it's a 6tb drive, I wanted to copy all my data over usb3 first, as that will take about 24 hours and if there are any obvious errors it would usually crop up then. I then want to pull the drive, knowing at least it's lasted a few hours or writing and some checks
does anyone know how I can format/partition the drive to avoid the encryption so I can then pull the drive with the data on it, so I don't need to spend time filling the drive with data to check for errors, and then pull and install and have to copy all the data again?