The amplifiers are often single monolithic chip - if you can find the part type number, you may be able to get a replacement. Unsolder the old one, solder in the new and jobs done. But try the obvious thins first - as g8ina says - PSU!
Cct board layout here:
The main amp looks like a surface mounted design - which while replaceable can be a little more problematic than conventional components.
The data sheet for the TDA 8932B is here
A quick search found it here
at a cost of £7.29 + £5 P&P - you might find a more local supplier though. The problem then is replacing it - or getting it replaced.
However, having established that it is a class D amplifier, it could be that one of the output filter capacitors is suffereing - although which one is hard to say - and again they look like surface mount devices.