So, interesting update.
I stripped everything back to the bare essentials, CPU , mobo and RAM. Pulled out the BIOS battery again.
Fired the machine up and it had a few fits and whatnot, but eventually settled down and sat in the BIOS for a good few hours. I bought a new battery, fitted that and tried again. Still worked. Put the graphics card in, worked. Put everything back in, it booted without issue. Sat at desktop for an hour or so. Played games for another hour, no problems at all. Slept on it, tried it again in the morning. Booted, left it for a bit and it restarted once. But after that worked fine for another 3 hours. I applied the old overclock and memory profiles. Rebooted, worked fine and played games for 3 hours without issue. I don't think the BIOS battery has 'solved' the issue, but it certainly has helped a little bit. Very odd.