The other week I was cleaning the PC top to bottom, fixing screws in case etc. and since after that point, all my games have increased in load time. I had some sort of BIOS reset (the weird beeps) upon restarting it, but checking the BIOS I couldn't see anything out of place.
But since then my games are SLOW to load - Division 2 is the big one, it now takes 30 seconds when it used to take 3. However I can't discount that being Ubisoft/EAC making changes. But other games too have shown increased load times, it's not much, like 1-3 seconds going up to 3-6, 8 seconds but it's noticeable and it means something is wrong. Also it's making me go a bit batty not being able to figure out what the hell has changed.
The issue is I've never benchmarked this drive, it's a Corsair MP510, I've just ran a benchmark and these are the numbers with crystaldisk mark
Can anyone tell me if these are any good ? The speeds seem OK but the other numbers seem low. I dunno this is well outside of my wheelhouse.