Originally Posted by
If you're looking at a Celery with 256me of ram & integrated graphics, as you're well aware just isn't going to cut the mustard. From the report I can see it didn't properly list the mobo model, merely the chipset. This is usually the sign of a cheap board, & it doesn't indicate the presence of an agp slot. (best way is to pop the side of the case off & have a peek).
I suggest you go shopping, see how much a new mobo, cpu, cooler, ram & graphics card is going to set you back. The drives are certainly servicable. May I suggest going for an AMD 64 setup. Prices for those & ram is especially low atm. For future upgradability look at socket 939 & pci-e.
As for the case, it's normally a matter of taste. Check your case will take a full ATC mobo.