Hi to say my graphics card has ran smoothly over the last 2 years would to be having a big laugh, however they has been times when it ran awesome.
My problem is since 5.4 drivers (Omega Version) My graphics has done nothing but crash, give me low performance in just about every game.
I've tried reverting, formatting, using all kinds of Ati and modded drivers.
One of the biggest issue is my Smartgard AGP Setting. Its stuck on 8x (Even if I do change it) and this cause my graphics card to crash, stop responding and force me to restart.
I am really loosing my hair over this, hopefully at xmas I will get a shiny nice GT6600 but till then and if that happens, I'd like to fix this current card and get the most from it.
On a side note, Omega drivers worked up to 5.6 for me, now when I install them it immediately uninstalls on the reboot and games fail to register the drivers or acknowledge them.
My card is a Herc 9800SE AIW
My specs are;
2400XP Athtlon AMD
512mb 2700 DDR
Herc Muse 5.1 Sound Card
80gig Western HDD
Any help is welcomed