Ok, I had a bit of a fright last night when what i thought was a thunderbug on my TFT screen couldn't be swept off. On closer inspection it was actually in the screen. Actually underneath the plastic screen coating. It wasn't dead pixels - the bugger was moving!
At first I though maybe it was some rather humorous but annoying virus or something, but when I changed my resolution it was still the same size. Argh!
I Googled for it and had a look on the forum and saw that apparently it's not a rare thing.
For those of you who can't believe it, I took a photograph:
There it is, above the 'D'. note it doesn't actually fill in pixels - its not dead pixels. Right. So I was determined not to end up with a dead bug hovering in the middle of my otherwise very nice Sony screen. I saw the idea in the post linked above about putting a bright light in the corner of the screen, so I turned the lights out, put the monitor flat on its back and put a torch face down just over the bottom corner of the monitor. I left it on all night, and sure thing the critter had gone. Hopefully he's just gone out of sight and has died. I left the monitor wrapped in a towel today so hopefully the lack of sunlight will make sure he's killed off.
Just thought I'd share my tip with anyone else who may get this bizzare problem. It may have been a fluke, but it worked for me (unless I go back home today and see he's crawled back and died in the centre... argh!)