Read more.Fancy a base unit complete with Core i7-6700K and liquid-cooled GeForce GTX 980?
Read more.Fancy a base unit complete with Core i7-6700K and liquid-cooled GeForce GTX 980?
amdcrankitup (10-10-2015),aramil (03-10-2015),GuidoLS (02-10-2015),pastymuncher (03-10-2015),shaithis (02-10-2015)
Great comp, but PLEASE stop the surprise FB redirect. It does nothing for your advertising revenue as it'll just increase the noise of useless page views compared to genuine.
Christmas will be early for someone this year!
"Reality is what it is, not what you want it to be." Frank Zappa. ----------- "The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike." Huang Po.----------- "A drowsy line of wasted time bathes my open mind", - Ride.
Shy bairns get nought!
Another cracking competition from you guys.
Steam - ReapedYou - Feel free to add me!!
Good to know it has a BRAND NEW graphics card in it. Don't want no second hand GPU in there
kalniel (02-10-2015)
can I play youtube videos on this thing, just kidding , another great pc and giveaway, ty
980 + skylake + ohhhhhhh all the water cooling goodies = sleeping late and sharing pictures of the beauty rig to haters to increase jealousy
I don't know ¿Why i keep entering this giveaway when i never win nothig from here?
By the gods, both good and evil, I beseech thee to help me win this.
Failing that, let a talented hacker have pity on me and increase my "chances".
a liquid-cooled GPU that's awesome thanks hexus
Amazing, thanks.
Thanks HEXUS and GIGABYTE and CCL 'Skylake' gaming rig
That's some rig! I'll never make full use of it, but I want it!
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