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i'd be more worried there are a bunch of 12 year old boys growing up who, enless given access to proper pornographic material, might actually think thats a true representation of sex.
i mean people grow up to belive the world is 6,000 years old, when denied access to Jurasic Park.
throw new ArgumentException (String, String, Exception)
So its finally worth getting a PS3 then!?!
You'll notice, btw, that Mr warrior in the clip, lasted about 10 seconds.
Even when doing sisters, thats pretty quick.
Anyway, this nonsense shouldn't draw away from the fact that God of War was fantastic, and this very well could be as well.
Last edited by Stewart; 15-02-2008 at 12:23 AM.
Your right its on the psp and I just played this game it is awesome! The sex part is the best... Its quite hard, you have to push the right button at the right time, if you incorrectly press/miss a button then you prematurely end the scene which disappoints the girls, and who wants to do that... It took me about 5 goes before I could perform...
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