Not all licenses require payment, even in the Windows world. Even just downloading simple utilities runs the risk of domain hijacking, or compromised servers having their software overwritten with something neferious, then you have to go running around the web looking for software that does a particular task, what competitors have the same type of software, which package do people prefer? And the same when looking for updates, either that, or put up with buggy, insecure self-updating applications, and constant wheel reinventation, plus there is absolutely zero assurance that what you download is what the developer build, tested, and intended with self-installers.
Wrong, package managers have prior public/private key signed relationships (or at the very least a competent checksum) acompaning the package metadata seperate from the package itself, changes to the package will result in a failed digest, and the package manager wont install it.
Compromised packages very rarely ever occur at the sourcecode level, for the simple reason that SCM servers in private organisations rarely, if ever, need to provide public access to that machine, and interorganalisation access can be provided over VPN or some such. Even in the opensource world, attempting to compromise a publically accessable SCM server is like running into a brick wall because of the security. No, it's far easier to compromise the http server storing the binary self-installer that's being offered to the public. By having the package metadata on a foreign machine with a signiture for that file mitigates that risk by a great large margin.
Sure, but sometimes even a bad design is better than no design at all.
Wine and virtualisation method of your choice. Granted, you wont be able to play every game, but between both, you'll be able to do mostly everything on you could on your Windows installation and more. But that's an aside, the issue at hand is Windows needing a sane and unifed method of dealing with packages and updates.
I totally agree, that would be an absolutely ideal kernel architecture.
That's understandable.