Originally Posted by
But I can download any game + install it if I have a capped internet connection I don't want to/cant tie up for hours on end which a large amount of people do, I'd say many times more than people who don't, people on here & most gaming forums are not an 'average' consumer.
Excessive resources & space, a DVD box? Oh come on...for the very few with 4000 games then yes, I'll give you that, but they're a tiny, tiny, tiny minority.
My arguement isn't that DD is rubbish but that if it isn't on Steam people cry on as though someone has just burst into their home and shat on their couch.
It's life, no-one is owned anything. You sometimes get what you want, sometimes you don't. It's EA's product, let them decide how to sell it, boycott it if you wish, thats a good thing to do if you believe so strongly about it but, in my opinion, it's no big deal and I doubt highly that I'm in the minority.