There's nothing in that text which suggests that a) he's running a business, anyone can run a website and pay for it with ad revenue, that doesn't mean it's a business or b) has infringed anything, remember, linking is not communicating, it's pointing.
Speaking of rubbish, US copyright law != ethics.
I'm sorry.. but.. what? That is the biggest load of nonsense I've read yet, and that's saying a lot in a thread packed full of US jurisdiction apologists. First, innocent until proven guilty, due process, heard of it? As shocking as this concept may seem, labelling someone as guilty actually requires more than a summery hearing by a judge! I know, unthinkable! Second, British law isn't applicable in a US court. You can't prosecute someone for breaking British law in a US court, and vice versa. Further, it is the job of the CPS to prosecute all violations of the law, if they don't have strong enough case to press charges in Britain, that doesn't give them the all clear to export people to a foreign court and jurisdiction which has lower standards for securing a prosecution. All of this is completely improper.