Originally Posted by
For the record, this is not the first time, on a number of different issues, people have had digs and once ot twice have told me what to post, or not post. It is not funny, and it is offensive.
Also, it's a forum. People, including me, express views. My views on this subject are expressed firmly, but if you read them, you'll also note that it's my stance, and in this example, why a sub model is not going to happen for me. If MS do that, I leave MS just as I dumped Photoshop for this reason. But I also said I understand why other maybe any accept, or even prefer, the sub model. Why anyone should be intimidated to express a contrary view puzzles me. If someone else wants a sub model, by all means say so, and if they want, say why. It's perfectly consistent for someone else to like it and me not to, and just because I'm not buying into it doesn't mean I think others shouldn't.
I note TheAnimus posted in this thread. We've had some very ... robust ... arguments in the past. Sometimes we agree, sometimes not. The same could be said for Santa, and a number of others. They've certainly never been intimidated about disagreeing, nor should they.
Take Win8 MUI. I detest it, and don't use it because of that. Some people like it. I don't think everyone else should agree with me any more than I agree with them.
Why do I express my view often? Because it's a forum, because that's what forums are for, and because it's the only forum I spend any signigicant amounts of time on. And because I felt like it. Also because it wasn't me that raised cloud services in this thread.
Or are you seriously suggesting I have to count how many times a subject has come up before and I've posted before I decide whether to post in a new thread? People reading this thread haven't necessarily read any previous tbreads, so wouldn't have seen anything I, or anyobe else, said.
It's a forum. People post, yet some people seem to think they can take a dig at me because in THEIR view, I post too often, or too long. Well guess what, I post how it suits me. If others don't like it, don't read them.
Disagree with my views, or reasons, by all means, but snippy comments about scripts are going to get a very angry response.