I do think the screen/optics will be better than the PSVR than the DK2 so it will look better than the DK2 but that as good as the CV1.
I agree if PSVR is good enough and not to expensive it has a real chance and as said before I hope it does well as VR in general will benefit.
As for not spending the money on a PC to run a Rift/Vive, I agree not everybody will do that but consider the next gen graphics card mid range will be as powerful as this generations top end so prices will tumble.
The way I see it right now I am gaming in UHD while PS4 owners are quite happy with a cheaper 1080p, I will buy a Rift and have the best VR PS4 owners can buy PSVR and have a cheaper good experience.
I really don't think either is the right way but I do want as many VR kits out there as possible as both camps gain if VR gains traction.