While that may be the case for £1 and £2 coins (and €1 and €2 coins) it is very unlikely to be the case for 1p and 2p coins (or 1c or 2c coins).
As for the energy usage of the bitcoin network, is that the whole energy used currently including the work of mining, or just the energy used to keep the nodes on which the network depends going?
Because if it includes mining, then eventual cryptocurrencies using PoS (proof-of-stake) rather than PoW (proff-of-work) should be way more efficient. Currently with PoW, the amount of new coins in each block is constant, and if (big if), for example, only 10 nodes were mining their energy use would be quite little. But since so many are mining, the rewards for each block are shared out among each miner in proportion to the effort they put in. In such competition, lots of energy is wasted.