Read more.They seem to be all the rage, so which, if any, have you chosen?
Read more.They seem to be all the rage, so which, if any, have you chosen?
I own a pocket watch because I already have a phone that needs charging relentlessly, as well as a tablet, and a laptop, and a cybernetic implant (that I keep forgetting to charge). Oh and there's my portable "power bank".
I have enough things to charge.
I do not.
Without even owning one, they already don't live up to my expectations.
Everything it does is already done by my phone, and for most of what it does I'd only need to get my phone out of my pocket anyway. I also hate the idea of being tied to yet another device that needs charging every 1-2 days. This is supposed to be technological progress and innovation, not indenturing myself into slavery!!
As for making a statement - I still wear my 1986 Casio DB55W Databank watch... that's vintage by the way, not retro. Haven't needed to change the battery in at least 9 years...!
Had I been able to afford the relevant Seiko Pulsemeter model, I'd be wearing that instead!
Not even a watch.
The smartphone is enough...
Do I own one? In a shocking revelation ...... no.
How long have you got?And if you don't own one, we'd be intrigued to know what's stopping you?
TLDR version :--
- not much point without a smartphone
- same privacy issues as a smartphone
- this one's the killer .... the only 'function' I really want/need is to tell time and that's .... ummmm ..... why I already have a watch. Or rather, several.
No Interest to me, but somebody did pay me the other day using there watch on my card reader, kind of liked the idea but not willing to pay for it.
dfour (08-07-2018)
Yes, my watch is pretty smart - it winds itself, has a mechanical digital to analogue converter that displays time in degrees minutes and seconds and tells me the day of the month!
I think that’s pretty clever!
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I prefer traditional watches and dont wear any smart tech that will eventually become obsolete.
Haven't even owned a watch for years...
at least enhanced reality glasses had a use (for those who need glasses), with mobile phones, no one needs a watch any more. Unnecessary tech and ludicrously expensive for what they are, glorified dog tags for your mobile
nope, ive got a trusty casio digial watch that i never use as a backup to the 100's of clocks that scatter our lives on a daily basis.
price, features and batteries are among the reasons
Yep two, a cheap Chinese job and an over priced Kronos ZeTime. the cheap one does everything the ZeTime does at a tenth of the price, it just doesn't look as good.
Garmin Vivoactive HR, though just about to be replaced under warranty because it stopped being waterproof at 15 months in.
Got it because of deep discounts through Vitality healthcare. It's a decent step counter for their reward scheme ("free" coffee and cinema tickets) and useful for bicycle training.
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Funnily enough, that's what I think of smartwatches. And smartphonss, for that matter.
But for watches bring expensive, it depends what you buy, and how you value it.
In comparison to smartphones and smartwatches, my watches are all free .... by virtue of having had all of them since long before ither smartphones or smartwatches were invented. And, unlike now where my time is mine to spend as I chose, in those days I HAD to know the time! accurately, at more or less any moment, either to ensure I wasn't late for appointments, or because my time was chargeable to clients in f15-minute units.
Also, I have several watches, from a Victorian fob watch (Granddad's), to an limited edition Olympic-issue watch, to a gold Rolex I inherited, which not only are worth more now than when I got them, and when they were new, but will no doubt be worth more in 5 or 10 years than they are now. I wonder how many smartphones or smartwatches will be worth more in 10 years than they cost new? In fact, I wonder how many will still work in 100 years, like my Victorian fob watch?
Expensive is a relative term.
PS. And my watches don't and won't invade my privacy and track me for Big Brother.
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