Read more.However, we don't know the scope of Ofcom's new powers or the penalties it can impose.
Read more.However, we don't know the scope of Ofcom's new powers or the penalties it can impose.
Welcome to the kingdom of united censorship. How may we help you and your fascist beliefs? woops
I have no problem with people helping to protect my daughter from the utter [CENSORED] she might encounter on social media and the like. I see it as no different to having Mods and Admins on a forum...... and that seems to work rather well.
Also, "the regulator will not do anything to stop adults from accessing or posting legal content that some may find offensive"... so assuming you're a grown-up, you're still free to be the end of a bell, long as it's not illegal content. Sounds alright to me...
Originally Posted by Mark Tyson
So you believe platforms, usually hosting user-generated content, should be free to ignore the nature of that content?
Because they've been given ample chance to clean out their own stables and despite loads of fine-sounding, there is still loads of horse effluent left.
But presumably, showing terrorists how to build bombs or the best place to stick a knife in people .... no probs, can't censor that.
Showing vulnerable kids how to self-harm or commit suicide? Itterly necessary to a free democracy.
Cyber-bullying? We'll reprimand or even expel kids doing that to other kids in person, but as long as it's on the 'net, fine, no problem.
The devil is in the detail, in issues like :-
- what platforms does it apply to?
- how are things like "harmful content" defined?
- exactly what 'teeth' to regulators get?
Finally, it's worth remembering that [B]every country on the planet/B] has "censorship", which is better put as limits on free speech to protect both "the people", and individual people. Even the US, which puts so much behind the constitutionally protect limits on free speech still has limits on free speech.
For example, in this country, go jnto a large, crowded theatre and shout "Fire, fire". In the resultant stwmpede to the door some trips, gets trampled and dies. How protected is your free speech? Suffiently so that you the possibility of manslaughter charges and, if convicted, a maximum sentence of life.
That is not a hypothetical. It's a real case.
There is really harmful content out there. Social media companies especially have been given plenty of chances to sort it, and years to do it. I'll bet that facing massive fines, or even jail time for executive breaching their duty of care, focuses minds wonderfully.
And you compare that to fascism?
A lesson learned from PeterB about dignity in adversity, so Peter, In Memorium, "Onwards and Upwards".
What I'm saying is the law should be there to enforce those who display the content to provide quality filters so that people shouldn't be subject to what they don't want to see. Kids, yes need protecting. Terrorist propaganda needs cutting off before being shown to those who absorb it. I was making a stupid statement to as to what this news is, its stupid, because nothing is really going to be enforced because there is no incentive to do so.
Then we agree.
On changes and enforcement, if and I stress if a big fine (as in x% of global revenue) is enforced, and especially if potential prison sentences are added, platform bosses have a big incentive to pull their finger out.
And politicians have an incentive, to whit, stopping media and public holding their feet in the fire. And they can sure incentivise OfCom.
Will it work? Dunno.
But the thing is, we agree there's a serious problem, yes?
If we don't try this, what do we do short of wringing our hands and moaning. If it doesn't work, we either adapt, strengthen it or find some that does.
But the "somethings" seem to be a bit scarce.
All this really is, is trying to drag legislation into the digital age, to deal with things dealt with long, long ago for non-digital media (except, a bit, in the US where free speech rights are more protective that here, even if that's not what the framers of the constitutional amendment intended).
A lesson learned from PeterB about dignity in adversity, so Peter, In Memorium, "Onwards and Upwards".
Just remove all anonymity.
You wanna post stuff that is clearly illegal and upsetting, fine... but every person on the planet will have your photo, name and address posted alongside it.
Still wanna post it?
Originally Posted by Mark Tyson
But where's the protection for kids. You would have to lock off everything on the internet with id's and quite possibly a real person to verify your not a kid opening an adult's account. Child focused social media that is heavily monitored. Idk, I'm not a digital solutions expert or a physiologist, But the government have the resources they just need to spend some bloody time thinking properly.
Not needed.
No-one would dare post bad stuff, as they'd get the living daylights beaten out of them by everyone else on the internet suffer a 'mysterious accident'...
In theory, anyway.
TBH, I'm losing faith in humanity, as innocent people are murdered but the likes of Katie Hopkins are still around to receive their bogus awards.
Originally Posted by Mark Tyson
I guess asking what happened to parental responsibility will result in a pile of ash from the flames.
I tried asking that myself but was basically shot at by the horrified looks from parents who were actually disgusted that I would not supply my daughter with a tablet/phone/device of some kind like almost every other child in the Western world would have.... and they were ready to burn me at the stake when I suggested she would have to be content enjoying something so archaic, nay prehistoric, as a book....
Of course, books kill trees, which is not environmentally friendly, and the pages carry bacteria and viruses from the rainforests.... But hey, I'm old and they are young, so they know better than me.
So she gets internet devices just like all her friends and whatever parental controls I get for it will just be bypassed by some kid with even half a brain...
Originally Posted by Mark Tyson
Issues like what people mention above just make me even more glad i don't have any kids, and to be honest when i see people with kids i feel " whats the hell is wrong with those people"
But that is of course just the doom and gloom that kick in,,,,, but still optimistic people with those kids.
I feel like saying " im sorry" to every kid / child i see, but i am told im strange.
Originally Posted by Mark Tyson
Corky34 (13-02-2020)
A lesson learned from PeterB about dignity in adversity, so Peter, In Memorium, "Onwards and Upwards".
You don't think they do that part already?
No no, you still have the freedom to speak whatever words you like... Just know that you won't be doing it anonymously - Same as if you get up in the middle of the High Street and say it, really.
Originally Posted by Mark Tyson
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