Yesterday evening, an e-mail from Corsair landed in my inbox containing a link to a very interesting set of benchmarks. Frequently, people ask what different latencies, timings and frequencies make to the performance of memory, but often the answer is somewhat hazy. There are so many factors involved. That didn't stop Corsair though, who have produced a paper which I'm sure you'll find useful.If you wonder what the hell all the RAM terms used today mean, then Corsair have been kind enough to explain them too. Read the paper in PDF format.Memory modules are currently available which support a wide variety of different speeds and latency settings. Speed is easy to understand - in general, faster is better. But what do the latency settings mean? And, what impact do they have on memory performance? This paper will provide a brief background on latency settings and what they mean. Then, we will move to the lab, where we will run a suite of benchmarks over a wide variety of latency settings, and we will measure the impact of these settings on benchmark scores.