I loved the "Turbo Boost" button on early PC's (286/386 processors) - which had the 'effect' of slowing the thing down!
In the days when 32-40 chars per screen line was the norm, slotting an 80 column card into my Apple II was a revelation when used with Visicalc and Apple Writer. It was made in Australia, around 1981 at a guess. I established trade relations with the manufacturer and made quite a few quid selling them for a while. No Internet in them there days!
My favorite component is easily the SSD. It's the cheapest, fastest way to improve the performance of my PC (desktop or laptop).
Worst component for me is usually the graphics card because they tend to cost the most. And if you buy one that is too advanced for your system, then it is money wasted.
a 68060 Accelerator with 8 MB RAM for my Amiga 1200. IIRC it boosted CPU performance something like 40 fold and floating point ops 1200 fold. I already had an HDD so it went like greased lightening.
"In a perfect world... spammers would get caught, go to jail, and share a cell with many men who have enlarged their penises, taken Viagra and are looking for a new relationship."
The Creative Labs DVD Encore, it was a DVD reader drive with an MPEG2 video decoder which you then had to link to the graphics card via VGA cable.
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