I have a lot of sympathy with that. You may have noticed past threads where I've pointed out I still have a number of old PCs, still running not only Win 7 but even Win XP, due to old hardware, and even some old software.
Looking around my office, I have .... I'd have to go count them to even be sure to get them all. But certainly, several A4 photo printers, two A3 photo printers, an A1 inkjet, several lasers, Olympus dye-sub printers, three Alps MicroDry printers and so on. Also, everything from Nikon and Olympus film scanners to A3 flatbeds, and auto-feeding auto-duplex document scanning systems.
I really, really sympathise with that. Cheap inks have their place, and I'm not suggesting people shouldn't use them. Just trying to explain some of the reasons why they're cheaper, which in part is the different cost base of manufacturers that developed the printers in thr first place.
And also, if people choose to use cheap ink or toner, just undertand the compromises and/or risks involved in doing it.