Originally Posted by
Its a disgrace that a large company such as the odeon dont have pages compliant with all browsers.
If a site doesn't display/function correctly in firefox I would tend not to use the site in question be it retail or otherwise.
They should have had this sorted ages ago so theres no excuse for this one...
the ten-line fix for their javascript was first published in 2001
if (document.layers) {
doc = 'document.';
stylo = '';
pxt = '.top';
pxl = '.left';
large = innerWidth; longue = innerHeight;
window.onresize = tienstoibien;
n4 = 1;
if (document.all) {
doc = 'document.all.';
stylo = '.style';
pxt = '.pixelTop';
pxl = '.pixelLeft';
n4 = 0;
should read as
if (document.layers) {
// Navigator 4.x
doc = 'document.';
stylo = '';
pxt = '.top';
pxl = '.left';
large = innerWidth; longue = innerHeight;
window.onresize = tienstoibien;
n4 = 1;
else if (window.captureEvents) {
// Netscape 6
doc = 'document.';
stylo = '.style';
pxt = '.top';
pxl = '.left';
large = innerWidth;
longue = innerHeight;
n4 = 0;
else if (document.all) {
// IE4+
doc = 'document.all.';
stylo = '.style';
pxt = '.pixelTop';
pxl = '.pixelLeft';
n4 = 0;
i.e. their current javascript only detects netscape 4, or msie 3, and acts accordingly