Here's something that security experts have raised concerns about in the past and again today, amidst the results of a survey looking at employees' portable storage usage within companies. The BBC reports:Hands up if you've got an MP3 player? Ever thought of stealing sensitive company data with it? Thought not, but the opportunity is there.The research found that 84% of firms know the data storage devices are being used by staff, but few are policing what people are putting on them.A company I used to work at had a very strict policy on using USB storage devices. If it wasn't company approved, you were not allowed to use it. What mechanisms did they have in place to prevent the usage of unauthorised devices? None. Well, it's the thought that counts!Few firms were doing anything to stop files being downloaded on to media players or drives. The fact that many media players can store gigabytes of data means they could potentially store huge amounts of sensitive information.
Read more over at the BBC News website.