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Thread: Creative Zen Vision:M portable video player unveiled - tasty!

  1. #33
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    I wonder how it will cope with downloaded XVid files that are greater than 320*240 resolution... lots of TV shows come as 624*352 for WS shows... it it plays them with no re-encoding it will do well.

  2. #34
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    IF i owned an iPod i'd use Winamp and the iPod plugin... far safer
    Crosshair VIII Hero (WIFI), 3900x, 32GB DDR4, Many SSDs, EVGA FTW3 3090, Ethoo 719

  3. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Methanoid
    I also happen to HATE iTunes... whoever said "It just works" is being a blatant "fan boy". My daughter has an iPod and finds it hard to get iTunes working sensibly. I hate the way that as standard it tries to take over stuff like MP3 associations...
    Heh, rational and sensible points there. Clearly the millions of people who use iTunes do so out of irrational fanaticism rather than anything so sensible as it being a half-decent music player, yes?

    I think, though, that you've underlined my point by digressing into such irrelevencies as file associations. Let's for a minute assume that a person who plays music on their computer doesn't understand what such things are. This might seem like crazy talk to you, but I don't think it's reasonable to expect every person who owns a dishwasher to be familiar with the inner workings of the water heating system inside one, and for the same reason I don't think it's reasonable to expect every person who plays music on a computer to know, understand (or even care) what file associations are.

    If I have a preferred music player on my system, then when I double-click (or whatever other mechanism you choose for opening) a music file, I'd want it to load in my preferred music player. That's simply how it should work. If I installed a music player and it didn't make this happen (or worse yet, it changed associations but some other player with an over-inflated impression of self-worth decided to change them back) then I - as a non-computer literate type - would be bloody confused, if not outright annoyed if the song then didn't play in my preferred music player.

    Consumers don't care about this kind of stuff. They want it to work. Part of that happening is for iTunes to lay claim (however invalidly you feel this is) to those associations. Otherwise it would, simply put, not be working properly.

    It's a shame that your daughter finds iTunes difficult to use, but I can only assume she's already pretty computer literate if she finds something like winamp easier (I gave up with that antediluvian piece of crap years ago, myself). There will always be preferences for different things, that's what makes us human. But I think it's a little off to decry anyone who prefers it as merely a fanboy...

  4. #36
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    I am in the market at the moment for a HDD MP3 player and would like to get the creative (divx player and a much better screen are just a couple of reasons) Personally the only thing the ipod has going for it is the look (no one can say apple dont know style).

    The problem i am having is finding one, where can i get the creative mp3 player.

  5. #37
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    i certainly agree with methanoid on itunes, it is horrible.

  6. #38
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    Re: Creative Zen Vision:M portable video player unveiled - tasty!

    Re iTunes, also agree that it's a nasty piece of software!
    I have a general PC that I use for household stuff.My granddaughter got an ipod a while back so I stuck iTunes onto this PC to load her desired music. I sometimes use this PC for playing mp3 tracks thru a small sound system and iTunes hijacks them all. However, and this is important, very important, when the 10 year old goes to load some new music it also loads my stuff! So now there is a very happy kid with Bowie, Led Zep, Pink Floyd et al demanding to listen to all my other stuff! Thanks Mr Jobs, rock lives on!!! PS, anybody any opinions on the Freecom Musicpal? Also bought a 4gb 2.8" touch screen mp4 player on ebay for €55. Should be here in a day or so, what can I expect?

  7. #39
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    Re: Creative Zen Vision:M portable video player unveiled - tasty!

    Quote Originally Posted by dusty207 View Post
    Re iTunes, also agree that it's a nasty piece of software!
    I have a general PC that I use for household stuff.My granddaughter got an ipod a while back so I stuck iTunes onto this PC to load her desired music. I sometimes use this PC for playing mp3 tracks thru a small sound system and iTunes hijacks them all. However, and this is important, very important, when the 10 year old goes to load some new music it also loads my stuff! So now there is a very happy kid with Bowie, Led Zep, Pink Floyd et al demanding to listen to all my other stuff! Thanks Mr Jobs, rock lives on!!! PS, anybody any opinions on the Freecom Musicpal? Also bought a 4gb 2.8" touch screen mp4 player on ebay for €55. Should be here in a day or so, what can I expect?
    Dear dusty207

    Welcome to the forums. Please stay around and contribute freely. However, please try not to drag up threads which have been dead for two years.

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  8. #40
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    Re: Creative Zen Vision:M portable video player unveiled - tasty!

    Quote Originally Posted by schmunk View Post
    Dear dusty207

    Welcome to the forums. Please stay around and contribute freely. However, please try not to drag up threads which have been dead for two years.

    Kind regards

    Thanks schmunk
    Thats Google for you, I'll be more observant in future!
    In any case, any ideas on the Freecom Musicpal which was my search in the first instance?

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