Read more.The GDI and the Brotherhood of Nod at it again in the conclusion to the Tiberium Saga.
Read more.The GDI and the Brotherhood of Nod at it again in the conclusion to the Tiberium Saga.
Well, we all have our opinions. I think it's a good review and actually covered what I wanted to know (ie graphics, gameplay etc.) and while mentioning the DRM they've not just binned the rest of the review because of it.
I may pick it up when it becomes real cheap just to check it out. I am fan of strategy games, and I don't mind trying something different from classic RTS. Hexus score matches other reviews:
Woooowwww.. Just had a go for 5 minutes just then, on Skirmish mode, and I just can't understand what's going on..
This thing landed and out popped a Mammoth Mk 2 or something, and a little base thing flopped out too, then it spewed out 2 helicopters and flew away!
What does all that mean? What the hell am I supposed to do with a Mammoth Mk 2?
So the general theme is they've broken it then?
imho the last of the C&C franchise should end up with NOD/GDI being brought to their knee's by the alien race that sent the tiberium here as a covert way of wiping out the human race so they can come take over...
71% is quite high actually, but I dont think I will go anywhere near it until becomes very cheap to buy.
I think if you are die hard C&C fan then this game will probably get about 30% but if you are looking at it objectively, as just a new game (thats not part of a series) then 65% seems about right.
Its worth 35% at most, tbh Im still shocked I paid for this crap
ok i will say that i didn't look at it objectively as i'm a big fan of the previous games, tiberian sun in particular. even that aside the campaign is short, the drm is awful and its not really an rts any more as the strategy has been taken out of it by removing base building. the one good thing was multiplayer as its quite a laugh, no real skill involved apart from spam counter units to whatever the other guy is doing and continue. reading around other comments (no doubt from more die hard fans than i am) the general consensus is the same, EA made a balls up by completely changing it away from what it was, rant over!
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