Some more input, please folks! I'd like to make basic pork pies....not herby pork pies, mustardy pork pies, Fortnum's pork pies, just the ordinary comfort food we know and love. Just like a Sainsbury's or Pork Farms pork pie.
Googling, I have found how to render my own lard and how to make hot water pastry...sounds very straightforward, but all the recipes I have found have onions, herbs and goodness knows what....nice for a change for you guys who can buy the basic product in the corner-shop but we can't!
I'm not sure if we need raw pork or cured pork -- though 'bacon' per se doesn't sound right? The slightly pinkish colour of most basic pies suggests a nitrite cure? Maybe I need to find out how to do that, as well? Pork lightly cured in salt and nitrites, gelatine, salt and pepper, would be my guess?
I'm looking for something to pack on a basic summer picnic and can be made easily in a couple of hours using basic equipment and minimal skills.
Many thanks